
Monday 25 August 2014

My Health and Fitness Routine/Tips - Food

I wouldn't consider myself one of the fittest of people, I don't have visible abs and I ALWAYS get out of breath on the treadmill (partly due to my asthma and the inhalers I usually forget to take), but I would say that my body has become a lot more capable of things that I never would have imagined in the past year or so.

Sweet Chilli Chicken Salad
My diet isn't the best, I sometimes forget to eat meals or replace meals with Dr Pepper (I know - it's terrible for you but I can't help it!) But I do try to stick to 3 small meals and 2 snacks a day. A normal day would consist of -
Breakfast - Oatso simple porridge with fruit/ granola with Rachel's natural low fat yogurt/ 2 small pieces of wholemeal toast with organic peanut butter and a banana.
Snack - a piece of fruit/ graze snack box
Lunch - wholemeal pasta with tuna mayo and mixed veg/ wholemeal pasta with tomato chicken and veg/ turkey bacon and scrambled eggs/ chicken or salmon salad
Snack - fruit/ graze box/ small bowl of popcorn
Dinner - varies extremely - usually consists of white meat, some mixed veg and a little bit of carbs

Tuna Mayo Pasta Salad
Above are examples of my ideal/favourite meals but this does not happen every day - for example yesterday I went to Cheshire Oaks and had a chiquitos quesadilla at around 3:30 (and a banana taquito) so I didn't have dinner only a small bowl of lightly salted popcorn. 
I do have a weakness for dr pepper but I try to keep it to 3 glasses a week or under which I'm extremely proud of. If you noticed, I'm not a big fan of red meat or white carbs, but I will eat them on occasions. I also have a weakness for burgers.
I've noticed when I go out to eat/buy things from supermarkets that the portions are just way too big for me! I do my best but I never try to make myself fuller than I should be to clear my plate.

Zizzi Skinny Pizza

I also try to keep to 2 litres of water, 1 coffee and a green tea a day. However, I'm not the best at keeping track of my water intake so I find the iDrinkWater app really helpful!
The MyFitnessPal app is also really good for watching calorie, sugar or fat intake, if you remember to do it that is, unlike me!
General tips are to not deprive yourself of food, but try not to overeat too as both can be damaging to your body in different ways but both of them do slow your metabolism down significantly, which isn't a good thing.
Try your best to stick to the general 80/20 rule which is 80% good eating and 20% naughty eating.

Bagel w/ Peanut Butter and Banana

Almost Famous River Phoenix Burger w/ Winning Fries

I hope this was useful - I did have the intention to put my food and exercise all in one post but it would just be way too much! My exercise post will come tomorrow (and maybe another post the day after that)
CJ x

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