
Thursday 21 August 2014

All Things CJ

First EVER Blog Post!

It's time to start my first blog post - and I have no idea what to write!
However, putting my nerves aside, I thought my first post would be a small 'get to know me'...
So I'm a full time law student from the North West of England (somewhere in the no-man's-land between Manchester and Liverpool) and I have a pining for anything fashion and beauty related.
I am currently 19 years old and living at home with my parents and grandmother as I chose to commute to university rather than live in - it's so much cheaper!
I would not in any sense consider myself a fashion, beauty or lifestyle expert but I've always had a passion for this type of thing and I LOVE reading blogs.
So I decided to start my own as I've come across the phrase 'Everyone should blog' several times and I think why not?! I personally love reading people's blogs and seeing what they're up to, but that may just be me being nosy. 
This past year I have gained a ton of confidence and my hope for this blog is that it helps me build up even more! It will normally consist of my thoughts on cosmetics, health and lifestyle in general with the occasional haul thrown in here or there.
CJ x

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