
Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Hello to all the readers of 2015 and a very happy new year!
I, like many others, set myself goals for the new year, and I fail in the first month every year too. So I have devised some tips for me to stick to my resolutions and I thought I'd share them with you! Hope these help

1. Be realistic
The first of January is just like any other day, and 70% of people who set goals in the new year fail before the month has ended. So set resolutions that you are fully capable of achieving, It's great to have big plans and high expectations but make sure they are realistic in reaching. You may not drop 3 dress sizes in a few months, but you can motivate yourself to move more!

2. Visualise your goals
Make sure you can see what you want, picture it, remember it, and this will help. If your goal is to visit new countries and experience new things; print out pictures of the places you want to visit! Buy travel guides and read reviews, this will drive your passion for it.

3. Write them down
I feel so much more organised and motivated if something I need to do is written down. I love to make shopping lists, to do lists, life goal lists as this helps me remember just what I need to do. Invest in a notebook, this will be a life saviour if you're anything like me.

4. Do it step by step
Go with the saying 'life is a marathon, not a sprint' If you're planning on going to the gym for 2 hours every single day after a year of slacking off, you're going to burn out. Start small and build it up, this will be better for your physical and mental health. This works for all types of resolutions, not just fitness ones. Slow and steady wins the race! (and doesn't quit)

5. Write down your progress
Like writing down your initial goals, maybe track them every week. I personally want to run a mile faster, so a good thing for me to do would be to keep track of my times so I can really see my hard work paying off.

6. Focus on positives, not negatives
For example, if you're going to learn a language don't sit there thinking 'it's too hard, I can't do this'. Instead, turn it around and say 'I didn't know this phrase last week' Your knowledge/capacity will expand every week. You are so much more than you were yesterday, keep growing.

7. Get others involved
Two is better than one! If you know somebody else who wants a new start in a certain area, ask them to join you in your goals. I'm currently doing a 30 day challenge with my best friend, and it's so much more fun with somebody else

8. Make good choices/investments
Say you want to learn an instrument, invest in an instructional book or even a few beginners lessons as opposed to trying to learn from the internet or self-teach. Equally important is to make sure you invest your time. If you're really serious, make the investment and it'll pay off!

9. Build on your goals
As you're busy achieving one goal, why not throw in another? If you're doing well at the gym, make your diet healthier. The two may work together and motivate you more!

10. Reward yourself
Don't get too busy worrying about the next step, celebrate how far you've come, admire your achievements. With every huge step, treat yourself (new makeup anybody?)

There you have it! I hope these tips helped, I know not everybody sets New Year's Resolutions, but why not? We all have our weaknesses and we all have something we need to change. Cut down on smoking or shopping, learn a language, travel more, or even just say yes to more things and enjoy 2015 everybody!
CJ x

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