
Friday 15 May 2015

The Fitness Diaries - WEEK 10

Hi guys!
This week I'm a woman on a mission! I have 10 weeks until I hit up the beautiful Adriatic country of Croatia on my summer holiday! Say whaaaat? When did summer come around?! So I am squeezing workouts in everywhere I can.
This week's theme: No regrets
So as I said, I'm squeezing workouts in EVERYWHERE. I only have a few days until my end of year exams start, I am in uni 4 days a week, work 3 days a week etc. So whenever I get a spare minute, I'm usually found reading or making notes getting ready for my exams (property law is a killer). But this blog isn't about revision ... it's about fitness. And I would be lying if I sat here and told you that I'm managing to go to the gym 3 times a week for an hour and a half each session. No. That is not happening. I might make it to the gym once, maybe twice. But I can say that I feel like I'm getting my movements in.
As usual, I am using these quick 5 minute video workouts thanks to Blogilates - I seriously love her. But I'm also managing to squeeze in a few of my own. I love doing 100-200 jumping jacks first thing in the morning. I squat while I'm brushing my teeth. If I have a spare few minutes, I run up and down the stairs a few times. Of course, this means I don't know exactly how many calories I'm burning, but I do feel the burn! Especially when it comes to burpees. Omg actually attempt doing around 20 burpees a day. I think I'm dead.
I also attempted Cassey's I really like you Squat Challenge and oh my this hurt. I for sure felt the pain the next day but it was oh so worth it. I'm so sick of being unhappy with my body and my level of fitness that I am making a change, no matter how small. And that's why I write these blogposts, so I can keep you all up to date with my progress, motivate you, motivate myself, and so on.
I am also debating running a 10k in Manchester soon, or maybe trying the tough mudder challenge. I feel like doing one of these races will really give me the push I need to take running seriously.
As I'm not consistently gymming it, I have to make sure I'm eating healthy. My current breakfast consists of porridge with a side of fruit. Mid morning snack is usually fruit or carrot sticks. Lunch will normally be a salad, soup or sandwich. And my dinner may be a bit more unpredictable (I'm working on it!) The main point I have to reiterate though is that you absolutely have to watch what you're snacking on when you're revising or working. As tempting as it may be to get the crisps or chocolate or fatty foods, you need to stick to fruit, veg and nuts both for your brain and body.
This week I did attempt a really tough fat-blasting treadmill workout courtesy of PopSugar Fitness. As I've mentioned before, I am NOT a consistent runner. My friends can get on a treadmill and run at like 5/5.5mph for half an hour. No. Not me. I can run at 5.5mph for 5 minutes and then I seriously need to catch my breath. What I am better with, is intervals. I can run at 10mph for a minute and then walk at 4mph for a minute and that's how I like to run best (I am working on it though). So I thought, interval run - perfect for me! I can handle this. Oh my gosh I was wrong. There were some parts of this I couldn't even do. I'll link it below for you all to try too!
Let me know how you're fitness is going through the dreaded exam period!
Hopefully we'll all be back on track in no time!
CJ x

Check out my favourite workouts of the week:

Check out my previous fitness blogs here:

Week 9

Week 8

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