
Monday 22 June 2015


OK, so first of all, I want to apologise for my absence over the past MONTH. I could give you a million excuses about exams, illness, whatever. But this blog isn't for excuses, this blog is for fitness.
I would just like to say that over the course of writing the fitness diaries, I did not have a perfect diet and exercise routine, but instead I was working on making improvements, which I did. However, although my diet wasn't necessarily a high calorie, high fat one, it did contain a lot of sugar, and that's not good for your body.
Exams are the absolute WORST THINGS for anyone trying to lose weight or tone up, because you just don't have time to work out. I'm not one to cover up the truth, so here it goes. For four weeks I literally just sat in bed or at my desk, barely moved for entire days and ate. A LOT. Once a week, my boyfriend and I would have our Game of Thrones pizza nights, order a Papa John's and obviously, watch Game of Thrones. I honestly hardly even walked anywhere.
Now, because I've never been one for weighing myself, I didn't see the problem with my weight ... until I weighed myself. Finding out I'm around 20 lbs heavier than where I would like to be is shit. I just stood there and stared at the number thinking that if I didn't move, or tried again, it would go down (it didn't).
So now is the time to make a change I thought. I went into my cupboards and threw out EVERYTHING which wasn't good for me, and then went shopping. I stocked up on high protein, low fat foods, green, leafy veg, fruits and that's it. Cut out half of my carbohydrates, half of my sugar, and half of my fat.
Then I set a target of burning 500 calories a day (or more if I'm only doing 5 workouts a week). First couple of days went better than expected, I was headed to spinning classes, going on runs, doing at home workouts all to get to that glorious number. The sad thing is, I could tell in myself that I'd gained weight just from how heavy I felt when running, it really hit home hard.
AND THEN, the abdomen pain hit. This is still undiagnosed but it basically put a stop to everything. I had to leave the gym early, I couldn't eat anything, it was awful. I'm currently awaiting results from a blood test so hopefully it's sorted out soon.
Starting my new lifestyle on Monday, I was 3 lbs lighter by Friday, and now it's Monday again, I'm still at that weight. I really wanted lose at least 12 by the time I go on my summer holidays (which is three weeks away!!!) Although it's not looking likely with the intensity of my workouts at the moment, I'm going to give it my best shot, and as long as the number's going down, that's good.
Thanks for listening to my ramble this week, hopefully there'll be better news and better results next week!
CJ x

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